目前工厂有收到江南造船、沪东中华、黄埔文冲和南通中集太平洋四家船厂的yokohama type 横滨式充气橡胶护舷靠球的询价
主靠球的尺寸为直径3. 3m x长度4.5m,副靠球的尺寸为直径1m x长1.5m。
技术要求: 概述 本船为一艘可装载约 20000 立方米液化天然气( LNG)的 IMO 2G 型液化气船舶(以下称“本船”);具备运输 LNG、船对船和船对岸的 LNG 加注、反输/补液能力;并具备为 LNG 动力船进行加注、冷舱和气试能力;满足国际、国内最新相关公约、规范和通函等相关要求。 本船配置 3 个双叶型的独立 LNG 货罐,为 IMO TYPE C 型,球形封头。 本船按照无限航区设计。 本船设置单层强力主甲板,起居处所和驾驶室设在船舶后部,货舱区域在船体中部。 主尺度 总长 LOA ~ 159.70 m 垂线间长 LBP 157.00 m 型宽 B 24.00 m 型深(上甲板) D 16.75 m 设计吃水(海水) TD ~ 8.00 m 结构吃水(海水) TS ~ 8.20 m 航速 本船服务航速约为 12.0 节, 其定义在设计吃水、 两台推进电机均在 90%最大推进功率(约 1800 kW)时、考虑 15%海上风浪裕度、清洁船底和深海且平静海况(无风、无浪、无流)下。 本船最大航速约为13.0 节,其定义在设计吃水、两台推进电机均在100%最大推进功率(约 2000 kW)时、不考虑海上风浪裕度、清洁船底和深海且平静海况(无风、无浪、无流)下。 续航力 在燃油模式下,续航力约 6000 海里,在 LNG 燃气模式下,续航力取决于可以使用的燃料气体量。 入级符号和挂旗 本船,包括船体、舾装设备、机器、货物系统、所有配件等都要满足以下提及的法规和规范的要求,并在 CCS(中国船级社)检验下取得如下船级符号: ★ CSA LNG Carrier; LNG Bunkering Ship; Type 2G; Type C Independent Tank; Max. Vapour Pressure 0.45MPa; Min. Cargo Temperature -163 ℃ ; PSPC(B); LoadingComputer(S, I, D); BOG-1000; Gas Trial Service (D, I, C);Cyber Security (P[SL0]); In-Water Survey; G-EP(GPR);G-ECO(BWM(T), VIB1) ★ CSM AUT-0; Electrical Propulsion System; DFD 本船挂中国旗。 规范和规则 本船的设计、建造将符合在本船建造合同签字并生效之日时已生效的包括但不限于下述规范、规则、公约、 标准、指南及其修改通报等: 1) 主管机关规定 2) 船级社规范规则 3) 国际公约、规则和国际海事组织决议 - -SOLAS - International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, and its Protocol of 1988 and the relevant IMO Amendments as applicable (hereinafter called as “SOLAS”) (consolidated edition 2020) - -Load Lines, 1966/1988 - International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as Amended by the Protocol of 1988 and the relevant IMO Amendments as applicable (hereinafter called as “ICLL”) (edition 2021) - -MARPOL - International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 with Protocol of 1978, including Annexes I, IV, V & VI (Reg.12A, 13 and 16) as applicable and the relevant IMO Amendments (hereinafter called as “MARPOL”) including the latest MEPC Resolution for EEDI as applicable, where the NOx emission Tier III for dual fuel M/E (both at fuel gas and diesel mode) and three (3) dual fuel G/E (at fuel gas mode only) (consolidated edition 2022) - -BWM - International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 (D-2) (edition 2018) - -Tonnage - International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 (edition 1970) - -COLREGS - International Convention for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, amended by IMO Resolution A.1004(25) and IMO Resolution A.1085(28) (edition 2003) - -AFS - International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships, 2001 (edition 2003) - -International Tele - Communication Union (ITU) Radio Regulations, 1982 & 1997 (edition 2020) - -MLC 2006 TITLE3, Reg.3.1 Accommodation, recreational facilities (except swimming pool, mosquito doors and mosquito windows) and the relevant amendments - -International Labour Conference concerning Crew Accommodation on board Ship No.92 and 133 (except swimming pool, mosquito door, mosquito window) subject to the requirement from flag state. - -Hong Kong International Convention For The Safe And Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009 (edition 2013) - -2014 IGC Code - IMO MSC.370(93) - Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (edition 2016) - -2008 IS Code - International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (edition 2020) - -LSA Code - International Life-Saving Appliance Code – IMO Resolution MSC.48(66) (edition 2023) - -FSS Code - Fire Safety Systems - IMO Resolution MSC.98(73) (edition 2015) - -ISPS Code - International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities, only the SOLAS mandatory requirements for outside illumination, security and locking of outside doors and ship security alert system (edition 2003) - -IMO Resolution MSC.337(91), Code on Noise Level on board Ships 2012 (edition 2014) - -IMO Resolution MEPC.227(64) - 2012 - Revised Guidelines on Implementation of Effluent Standards and Performance Tests for Sewage Treatment Plants - -IMO Resolution MSC.137(76) - Standards for Ship Maneuverability(供参考) - -IMO MSC Circular.1053 - Explanatory Notes to the Standards for Ship Maneuverability (only for guideline) (The method of test items set forth in Specification 014 shall refer to IMO MSC Circular.1053) - -IMO Resolution A.601(15) - Provision and Display of Maneuvering Information on Board Ships (wheelhouse poster and pilot card) - -IMO Resolution A.1021(26) - Code on Alerts and indicators, 2009 (edition 2010) - -IMO Resolution A.1045(27) - Pilot Transfer Arrangements as well as IMPA - International marine pilot association Recommendation for Pilot Ladder - -IMO Resolution MSC.128(75) - Performance Standards for a Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS) - -IMO Publication No.978 “Performance Standards for Navigational Equipment” - -IMO RESOLUTION MSC.202(81) - amendments on the “Long-range identification and tracking of ships” - -IMO RESOLUTION MSC.215(82) - Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for Dedicated Seawater Ballast Tanks in All Types of Ships and Double-Side Skin Spaces of Bulk Carriers (PSPC) - -MSC.350(92) - Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as Amended - -MEPC.277(70) - Amendments to the Annex of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, As Modified by the Protocol of 1978 Relating Thereto. Amendments to MARPOL Annex V (HME substances and Form of Garbage Record Book) - -MSC.338(91) - Adoption of Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as Amended - -MSC.317(89) - Adoption of Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as Amended - -MEPC.287(71) - Implementation of the BWM convention - -MSC.409(97) - Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as Amended - -MSC.425(98) - Amendment to the International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) code - -MSC.428(98) - Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management Systems - -MSC.370(93) - Amendments to The International Code for The Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code) - -MSC.436(99) - Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended - -MSC. 441(99) - Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying liquefied Gases in bulk - -IMO A.1116(30) - Escape route signs and equipment location marking - -Resolution MEPC.308(73) - 2018 Guidelines on the Method of Calculation of the Attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for New Ships 4) 准则与推荐文件 - -SIGTTO/OCIMF - Manifold Recommendations for Liquefied Gas Carriers, Second Edition 2018, Ch.3 - -SIGTTO Recommendations and Guidelines for linked Ship/Shore Emergency Shutdown of Liquefied Gas Cargo Transfer - -SIGTTO Guidelines only for Automatic Cargo Tank Overfill Protection aboard Gas Carriers - -SIGTTO Recommendations for cargo sampling system - -OCIMF - Mooring Equipment Guidelines 4th Edition, 2008 (MEG4) (for fixed mooring fitting only) - -ISO 6954-2000E - Guidelines for the measurement, reporting and evaluation of vibration with regard to habitability on passenger and merchant ships - -ISO 8861-1998 Engine room ventilation in diesel-engined ships - Design requirements and basis of calculations - - IEC No.60092 - Electrical installations in ships (including Part 502: Tankers - Special features) - - International Maritime Pilots’ Association (IMPA) – Shipping Industry Guidance on Pilot Transfer Arrangements, 2nd Edition, 2012 证书与文件 在船舶建造过程和交船时,应提交要求的证书和文件。 安全评估 船舶设计需开展 LNG 储存和处理的风险定义分析( HAZID),确定风险源及管控措施。 风险定义分析由船级社或第三方机构执行, 第三方机构需获得船厂和船东认可。 风险定义分析根据需要召开风险研讨会。 风险研讨会由船厂组织,在船厂安排的地点举行。船厂人员、船东代表、船级社检验员、第三方机构代表、设备制造厂代表以及其他船东建议参会的相关人员等。如因特殊情况无法直接参会,也可通过视频会议等参会方式。 船厂负责提供风险定义分析所需的技术文件。 如需要,船东提供分析用必要的信息。 船厂提供风险定义分析报告结论给船东参考。 船厂根据风险定义分析报告中的建议, 采用合理的设计改进措施,消除由船厂负责的高等级风险源。 定员 25人 技术要求: 橡胶靠球: 本船设置橡胶主靠球 6 个和副靠球 8 个。主靠球尺寸为 ø3.3m X 4.5m,副靠球尺寸为 ø1.0m X 1.5m, 每个靠球均有吊车辅助收放。