公告内容:莱基拖轮泊位护舷采购询价公告 Lekki port fender Inquiry Letter 尼日利亚T7项目根据 NIGRIA-T7L-2024-011计划的要求,拟采购护舷一批,请仔细阅读并按如下要求进行报价: The Train 7 Project in Nigeria is to purchase a batch of fender in accordance with the requirements of the NIGRIA-T7L-2024-011 purchase plan, please read it carefully and quote as follows: | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | SX 500 Arch Fender System | | | |
1.报价方应确定已理解所采购物资详细规格等相关要求,并按要求报价。没有按要求的报价文件,询价方有权做无效报价处理。 The supplier shall ensure that it has understood the relevant requirements such as detailed specifications of the purchased materials and quotes as required. If there is no quotation document as required, the RFQ party shall have the right to consider the quotation as invalid 2.报价时要求贵司所报的产品为全新,交货时,供应商需要提供产品生产许可证、产品合格证书的相关证明文件资料。 When quoting, the supplier is required to report the product is brand new, when delivery, the supplier needs to provide product production license, product certificate and other relevant supporting documents. 3.护舷质量应符合项目技术规格书的相关规定。护舷采购进场后,检验合格后才能算验收通过。 The quality of the fender shall comply with the specification requirements. After the fender enters the site,It can only be accepted after passing the inspection. 4.交货时间:分批次按订单配送 Delivery time: according to each order 5.交货地点:尼日利亚莱基港现场 Delivery location  ekki port 6.报价条件:需美元报价 Quote conditions: USD quotation is required 7.报价截止日期:2025年3月12日(星期三)18:00之前将报价单发回我部。 Quote deadline: Send the quote back by 18:00 on wednesday, March 12, 2025. 8.若对所供应的产品有疑问,可按以下方式联系咨询: If you have questions about the products, you can contact us as follows:
尼日利亚T7项目物资部 PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 2025年3月12日