现有艘500吨浮吊船有相关设备需向贵司经营询价(报价需含税含运费及RINA证书费),烦请报价,感谢您的支持。Six (6) rubber floating fenders type Yokohama 2.0 x 3.5 m and equipped with protective chain and tyre net, shall be installed on both sides just above the waterline fixed in permanent way as shown in the General Arrangement plan.
The yard shall provide to blow up and fix all the above fenders on the OFC sides with suitable pad eyes, chains and fittings.
Large used tractor tyres shall be provided and fitted by the builder on the OFC sides with suitable pad eyes, chains and fittings, as shown in the GA.
RINA证书是意大利船级社的第三方检验证书,这个之前没有客户要,所以我们工厂也没有做过,只给客户报价 BV 船级社证书的费用